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Hey There! This is Anna, and I am a Graphic Designer!
To check out more projects or talk me visit annasalazar.com.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Search, Part II

So, I have been applying for internships, but recently I decided to apply for actual job! I applied for a couple, and one of them was Foxdread Games. I received an e-mail back from the hiring manager, in which he explained that I was not offered the position of Graphic Designer. Although, I did not get the job, he did explain to me why:

"You have a strong portfolio, and the most striking cv and resume we've seen out of hundreds of applications. Unfortunately, we are looking for more experienced logo/branding designers. You have strong qualities for a layout/production designer."

Dang it! At least I got a complement, haha. I replied the e-mail sent by asking what I can do to improve my portfolio, he told that if I have more work other than what I sent, then it is a good idea to build a website with all my work for employers to look at. He asked me again if I have work in brancing/logo, and said I didn't... because I really don't, but he was super nice and gave more tips on how to apply for jobs and stuff.

So, for those applying for jobs: Don't be afraid to ask questions to employers, people are always willing to help! :]

As of right now, I feel pretty good about finding a job. I know I'm close to finding one... I can almost taste it. :9

Meanwhile, I need to finish CSUEB's spring calendar~~

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